Using Off-The-Shelf Risk Models


Using risk models is simple!

You simply pass instantiated risk model instances into your desired investment strategy:

import investos as inv
from investos.portfolio.risk_model import *

risk_model = FactorRisk(

strategy = inv.portfolio.strategy.SPO(

and that's it!

Note: some simple investment strategies do not support risk models. If you pass a risk model to one of these strategies, it will have no effect.

Optional Arguments

All risk models take the following optional arguments:

  • exclude_assets: [str]
  • include_assets: [str]
    • Can't be used with exclude_assets
  • gamma: float = 1
    • Linearly increases utility penalty during convex optimization trade list generation
    • Increase to penalize risk more, decrease to penalize risk less

InvestOS provides the following risk models:


FactorRisk is a multi-factor risk model.

To instantiate FactorRisk you will need to set the following arguments:

  • factor_covariance: pd.DataFrame
    • Columns and index keys should be risk factors
    • Values are covariances
    • Optionally: with date as the first key in multi-index dataframe; to allow risk estimates to change throughout time. By default, will look for risk date equal to or less than trade date
  • factor_loadings: pd.DataFrame
    • Columns should be unique asset IDs
    • Index keys should be risk factors
    • Values are loadings
    • Optionally: with date as the first key in multi-index dataframe; to allow risk estimates to change throughout time. By default, will look for risk date equal to or less than trade date
  • idiosyncratic_variance: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series
    • Columns should be unique asset IDs
    • Values are idiosyncratic risks (residuals to factor risk)
    • Optionally: with date as index in dataframe; to allow risk estimates to change throughout time. By default, will look for risk date equal to or less than trade date


StatFactorRisk creates a PCA-factor based risk model from actual_returns. To use this model, there must be more periods in actual_returns than assets in your investment strategy.

To instantiate StatFactorRisk you will need to set the following arguments:

  • actual_returns: pd.DataFrame

You may optionally set the following arguments:

  • n_factors: integer = 5
  • start_date: datetime = actual_returns.index[0]
  • end_date: datetime = actual_returns.index[-1]
  • recalc_each_i_periods: integer|boolean = False
  • timedelta: pd.Timedelta = pd.Timedelta("730 days")
    • Lookback period for calculating risk from actual_returns

Next: The Choice Is Yours

Want to explore an end-to-end example? Check out Single Period Optimization.