Using Off-The-Shelf Investment Strategies

InvestOS provides the following optimization strategies:

  • RankLongShort
    • Builds trade lists based on long and short positions ranked by any (possibly forecasted) metric
  • SPO (Single Period Optimization)
    • Builds trade lists using single period convex optimization
    • Uses CVXPY
  • SPOTranches (Single Period Optimization Tranches)
    • Like SPO, but builds portfolio in separate, optimized tranches. Tranches are cycled in and out by customizable holding period. Tranches can be analyzed and altered in flight using BacktestController hooks.
    • Uses CVXPY

This guide will explain how to use either of these classes.


To use the RankLongShort strategy, you will need:

  • actual_returns: pd.DataFrame,
  • metric_to_rank: pd.DataFrame,

Optional instantiation options you may need:

  • n_periods_held: int = 1,
  • leverage: float = 1,
  • ratio_long: float = 1,
  • ratio_short: float = 1,
  • percent_short: float = 0.25,
  • percent_long: float = 0.25,
  • costs: [BaseCost] = [],

Here's a simple instantiation example:

from investos.portfolio.strategy import RankLongShort

actual_returns_df = pd.DataFrame(...) # Assets as columns, datetimes as index
metric_to_rank_df = pd.DataFrame(...) # Assets as columns, datetimes as index

strategy = RankLongShort(

Once instantiated, you can use the generate_trade_list method to get trades for a given datetime:

holdings = pd.Series(...) # Indexed by asset
t =

trades = strategy.generate_trade_list(holdings, t)

You can also plug the strategy into BacktestController to run a full backtest!

import investos as inv

backtest_controller = inv.portfolio.BacktestController(


To use the SPO strategy, you will need:

  • actual_returns: pd.DataFrame,
  • forecast_returns: pd.DataFrame,

Optional instantiation options you may need:

  • costs: [BaseCost] = [],
  • constraints: [BaseConstraint] = [LongOnlyConstraint(), MaxWeightConstraint()],
  • risk_model: BaseRisk = None,
  • solver=cvx.OSQP,
  • solver_opts=None,
  • cash_column_name="cash"

Here's a simple instantiation example:

actual_returns_df = pd.DataFrame(...) # Assets as columns, datetimes as index
forecast_returns_df = pd.DataFrame(...) # Assets as columns, datetimes as index

strategy = SPO(

Like RankLongShort, or any other InvestOS investment strategy, once instantiated, you can use the generate_trade_list method to get trades for a given datetime:

holdings = pd.Series(...)
t =

trades = strategy.generate_trade_list(holdings, t)

and plug the strategy into BacktestController to run a full backtest!

import investos as inv

backtest_controller = inv.portfolio.BacktestController(

For SPO specifically, if the optimization problem is unbounded, infeasible, or if there's an error with the solver, the generate_trade_list method will return a zero trade for all holdings for the given t datetime.


The SPOTranches strategy uses all of the same arguments as SPO. It also uses one additional (optional) argument for determining the holding period for each optimized tranche:

  • n_periods_held: integer = 5

Next: The Choice Is Yours

Want to explore creating your own custom investment strategy? Check out Custom Investment Strategies.

Want to learn more about using cost models? Check out Cost Models.